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Excellence in Education



The SBMT is a team of school partners - teachers, parents, administrators, and support staff which works together to help the school address the educational needs of the students through shared decision making. Decisions are made by consensus. All members of the team accept the responsibility of gathering information related to every topic discussed and reporting back to their constituents.



  • Mrs. Cinelli, Parent              • Mrs. Frankenberger, Teacher
  • Mrs. Goodman, Parent        • Mrs. Tacca, Teacher
  • Mrs. Fiorillo, Parent             • Mrs. Powers, CTA representative
  • Mrs. Fox, Teacher                • Mr. Simpson, Administrator


  • To address the needs of the Indian Hollow Community and to act as a liaison to offer support where needed. 


Statements of Success:

  • Established the Shana Kay Memorial rock climbing wall.
  • Created the Indian Hollow Mission Statement.
  • Created the Indian Hollow Constitution and Rules and Responsibilities.
  • Established an annual Read-A-Thon.
  • Created the Indian Hollow Parent Handbook.
  • Initiated Coffee Hours to increase communication between home and school.
  • Established a school-wide writing celebration.
  • Established an annual Gently Used Book Drive.
  • Created the Desjardin Collection of books and materials on sensitive subjects.
  • Initiated a pen pal program with students in other schools.
  • Celebrated Indian Hollow's 40th birthday.
  • Established an annual Music, Art & Science Festival.
  • Established Where in the World Are Indian Hollow Students? bulletin board.
  • Established the Book Donation Program, where the school community is invited to donate a book to the school library in honor of a special occasion.
  • Established Wee Deliver, an in school postal service.
  • Established annual participation in Newsday's Future Corps. Project.
  • Established annual interdisciplinary celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday and his books.
  • Introduced Super Star postcards to recognize students for kind and thoughtful actions.
  • Revised arrival and departure procedures and established the Safety Drop Off Zone in the parking lot. 
  • Established the use of colored shirts to be worn on field trips.
  • Included SBMT information on school website.
  • Established participation in community service projects such as Special Olympics, Jump Rope for Heart, Kids For Peace, and Long Island Cares Food Drive.
  • Created Inclement Weather Dismissal Plan.
  • Dedicated and renamed cafeteria The Fred Horowitz All Purpose Room.
  • Reviewed playground safety needs and equipment.
  • Established a monthly Spirit Day.
  • Revised operation of School Store.
  • Revised arrival and departure procedures.